
Saturday, February 22, 2020

20 Doctor’s Tips For Great Sleep

While everyone sleeps, some people sleep less than others. Of course some of those can still function with less sleep, but most of the world needs more sleep than what they’re getting.
When looking at the various problems people have though with sleep, we find all kinds of different issues. Some people wake up multiple times during the night or lay in bed for several hours without getting a wink. So to help with that, we’ve put together a list of tips to help you sleep better.
Best of all, these sleep tips were suggested by doctors, so you know they’re going to be good.

Spend At least 15 Minutes In The Sun

Ideally in the morning when you first wake up. But overall, spending a good 15 minutes soaking up sunshine will help you in sleeping better. Why is that?
Well, it has something to do with our internal clock. It runs on a 24-hour schedule and it functions the best when we have a consistent pattern of light and dark.

Have Something To Get Excited About

Our thoughts have a tendency of keeping us up. That statement is true when you consider how tough it is to sleep if you are dreading the next day. On the other hand, if you go to bed feeling good and have something to look forward to tomorrow, you’re going to sleep better.

Avoid Alcohol Before Bed

There’s nothing wrong with having a few drinks at a social event, but do avoid it as a sleep remedy. While some people stand by it being an effective way to wind down, it creates more problems than fixes them.
First, alcohol does make you feel tired, but it interrupts your circadian rhythm (your internal clock), and blocks REM sleep. It also tampers with your breathing, which prompts you to snore.

Cut Caffeine

Caffeine is also something that must be cut too. We’re not talking about regular coffee either. This applies to anything that has caffeine such as some pops and iced coffee.
On top of some people being more sensitive to caffeine, it also lingers in our body for longer than you might think. Even for the most tolerant of people, caffeine stays in our body for roughly 12 hours. That means after six hours, only half of it is gone.
So in other words, if you’re someone who drinks coffee (or anything caffeinated) throughout the day, there’s good odds that caffeine is in your body still while you’re sleeping. Why this creates a problem is the fact that caffeine is a stimulus to keep us up.

Cut Nightly Exercising

Along with caffeine, exercising at night is not smart. While exercise is good for you, remember what happens after you’re exercising. You get a lot of energy. Energy that your body doesn’t want to use up at night.
Remember when night falls, your body is shutting down. The last thing you want is to fill your body with more energy.

If You Need Coffee, Try Mushroom Coffee

We get that drinking coffee for some people is something they can’t stop immediately. That’s okay. Instead, we’d encourage you to find a replacement. Our suggestion is mushroom coffee. It contains only half of the caffeine in a typical cup and it has plenty of antioxidants too.

Or Try Some Nuts

Another alternative food is having some nuts. Not only is it healthier than other snacking options, nuts also contain ingredients to help you sleep better.
One study found that those eating nuts regularly, fill their body with sleep-inducing nutrients. They also make your brainwave frequencies strongly associate with sleep.

But Don’t Eat Too Late

Of course we need to be eating, but for better sleep it’s worth looking at when you are eating. According to the Cleveland Clinic, if we eat two hours before going to bed, we’re going to have a rough time.
Why that is is because whenever there is food in our body, our digestion system goes to work. This creates quite a bit of discomfort whenever we go to lay down.

The 2020 Dating Dictionary Everyone Should Be Aware Of

Dating is more nuanced than it has ever been before. Right from changes in the dating trends to new terminology associated with dating, there is so much going on in the dating world. So, for starters, you probably know what orbiting or ghosting means, right? But according to the dating app Plenty of Fish, the millennials have invented some other love-words that you probably need to know to survive through your dating life. Well, you probably don’t know what eclipsing or being glamboozled means, but worry not, we’ve got you covered. Here are some dating lingos you need to update yourself with-

White Clawing

Well, the origin of this term comes from a brand of seltzer – White Claw, which doesn’t really get you drunk, but has enough alcohol to get you a little high. Drawing the comparison to your dating life, when you are dating a hot person, but you find them really boring, my friend, you are white clawing! You’re just here to be intoxicated by their gorgeousness, but not to fall hard in love.


 Imagine you’re getting all glammed up for your date, which is about to arrive any minute to pick you up. While doing some final touches, you get a text from your date. You get all excited, maybe they are at your door, or maybe it’s just a lovely message from them. But actually, they texted you to cancel the date! Well, that’s a bummer and you’ve just been glamboozled. But not to worry, there are around more than half of singles around the world who have been glamboozled.


When you meet a person you like, you exchange numbers with each other. The real test comes after you’ve exchanged numbers. If the person you’re calling to set up a date with them has repeatedly ignored your calls, you have been officially dial-toned. Well, it’s actually better than receiving the wrong number!


 Imagine that you’re all dolled up for a date. Your partner arrives and doesn’t leave you glamboozled. But all through the date, you hear stories about your date, their experiences, their adventures, while they ask nothing about you, your interests and your adventures. All your date does is talk about themselves, just like Kanye. When you’re on a date with a narcissist or a self-obsessed person, you’ve been Kanye’d.


When you are going through the day, searching for love, and your ex pings you up. You get excited and think that maybe your ex deserves another chance. You open up their text and just see them asking you to sign a petition to clean up the beach or to donate to charity! Well, it’s not really an offense to ask someone to donate, but you can’t just text your ex out of the blue for the same. Never cause-play your ex and get their hopes up.

Here Is The Answer To What Went Wrong With Your Previous Relationship

We are certain that you get envious and your heart pinches every time you find on your feed a picture of any couple celebrating their x years of being together. It makes you question whether there is something wrong with you that none of your relationships last more than a couple of months. First of all, you have to stop blaming yourself right this minute. It takes effort and dedication from both the partners to keep a relationship going. Having said that, it isn’t rare that your partner decides to break up with you all of a sudden. You didn’t see that coming. You two are out together and they just blurt out. They opt to cut all ties with you and don’t even bother telling you why they feel separating from you is just what they need. You wrack your brain for days trying to understand what could have led them to make this move.
This article answers just that. One or more of these could be the explanation for your break up. It will also help you in understanding your current or future partner better. Without further ado, let’s check out the article now.

Egoist Partner

An egoist person can never make a good partner. If you are that self-centered, how are you ever going to want to know a person, their hobbies, likes, and dislikes? You can’t fall in love with someone without learning of and remembering every detail about them. Such people only date for want of a partner to show-off to their friends or family.

You are supposed to be your partner’s pillar of strength during trying times. If you are too busy with your own life and never care to provide emotional support to your lover, they might have to seek out for it from someone else.

Love Language Hurdles

Different people follow different love languages. For some conferring gifts may be their way of showing affection while some may seek spending quality time together the appropriate way of expressing concern. There are individuals who like to pen down their feelings, then there are ones who emote their feelings through their acts and gestures. It is mandatory that you get what love languages your partner adopts.

Complaining Partner

 We can bet any amount of money that everyone has problems in their lives, which they are persistently trying to battle with. When you are complaining about your life with your partner, you only add to their struggles in some way or the other. This is so because the moment they listen to an issue, their mind begins chalking out resolutions which are, most of the time, not feasible. So, it’s best that you solve them on your own.

Misunderstood Stress

What you may comprehend as your partner’s lack of interest in you might actually be their workload stress. During stress people do behave differently, are easily annoyed, or show an unwillingness to partake in any activity. You mustn’t overanalyze and make assumptions. Allowing them some space to deal with it would be the right move for a situation of that sort.